I'm ready for my new family!

Hi! My Name Is blk& wht shi poodle #4

I'm Available

Please don't pick on me cause I'm pretty, I deserve to be saved too! All dogs do no matter what the story! So pups just aren't selling after Christmas. My breeder wanted me gone. They don't want to waste time and dog food on a pup that won't sell after 7 wks. This is something folks need to think about when picking a puppy. So please, if you don't rescue... choose a reputable breeder where you can see us pups. Ask questions like, where's mom, what do you do with left over pups? Let me see where they live"
This is the only way we can eliminate unethical breeding and maybe end the need for rescues.

Spay/ Neuter is key as well as owners keeping their pets.

I'm just a 2 month old baby. I'm not potty-trained yet after all I'm just a baby. 

I am being fostered in Twin Lakes, WI so if you are an approved adopter you will come pick me up there!

I'm a lifetime commitment and you must be over 25, have approval of your condo assoc. if you rent or live in a condo.
My adoption fee is $800 and I come with current vaccines, health cert, bordatella vaccine,and my alter is included at our rescue vets.  There's a pretty strict enforcement policy on this. We included it in the cost. It's pretty much like getting me for free after you add up vetting costs. You can compare at your vet the prices.
Please apply at thecharlieprojectdogrescue.com

  • Shihpoo
  • Male
  • Baby (0 - 5 Months) (10/26/2024) - Actual
  • 4 Pounds
  • Wisconsin
  • Black & White
  • Active and Playful
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
  • I'm Not Trained Yet
Apply To Adopt blk& wht shi poodle #4
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